Friday, April 30, 2010

At Random

i noticed that of my peers at work
i'm the most random person around
sometimes my opinions and actions raise some stiff eyebrows

amongst my pals
i'm still pretty random
although some of them out-random me

i like this random-ness
its more fun than staid and boring and plain
random-ness is good-ness

except at work
then i have to be staid and boring and plain
except sometimes...
i can't help myself
and then some randomness shows up
and everyone is shocked
sometimes culturally shocked
but secretly..
i'm sure they enjoy those random moments
cos it gives everyone something new to talk about
that's probably why they still keep me around ;)

the answer to one of those perennial questions..
what would you do if the world was perfect/you have tons of money?
indulge in random acts of insanity
ooooh yeahhhhh

in other news
my brain has latched on to the word
or rather words
Hypocriscy, hypocrite, hypocrism (it goes on but you get the flavour)
and as the brain twirls the concept around

i figure..
it is very hard to avoid being a hypocrite at some point in life..
simply because, the human will rationalise everything s/he does
because obviously they did it cos they wanted to
but then when they are on the opposite side of the mirror,
may rationally feel entirely different

deep deep randomness

ok.. back to gathering moolahs for my random travel plans

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