Friday, January 24, 2003

the mess of a CV..

perhaps better known as death by a CV
a CV as some would noe,
is a little bitty bit of a tree that's been chopped down, flattened, bleached and contaminated with some ink,
this flattened tree is meant to let the whooooooooooole world know about you, or rather... what's so great about you..
0now the only problem is... its not that easy to put brag about yourself without Ostentatiously well... bragging about yourself..
so in year 2002 twas the year i stared at my thesis and it stared back at me..
i foresee that year 2003 is the year i stare at my CV and it... well.... sits there...

and hopefully for me, that tree that sacrificed itself and got the pulp beaten out of it.. (pun intended for the sake of corniness)..
hopefully it will not have sacrificed for nothing and i get more trees that got sacrificed in the form of lovely $$$ from a job that doesn't need me to do too much ;)

cheers to all and happy new year

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