Wednesday, October 01, 2003

so one quiz says...

You're a Dream Maker
You experience a sense of personal harmony when you help people. Your capacity to listen and offer suggestions allows them to become more aware of what they need. They gain a balanced perspective.

The passionate you generates creative ideas. You are an imaginative dreamer. Your preoccupation with the future gives you the mental discipline to stay on track and direct others to do the same.

The centered you logically decides what is missing in your life. You look within yourself to assess what's needed and at each task to grasp the required details. When all is quiet, you voice the relevant questions for yourself and others.

The emotional you makes rational, dispassionate decisions. Using only logic, you can see where others are excessive and inconsistent. You cut to the truth to focus on what needs to be done.

i like what it says..
so its true

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