Wednesday, November 05, 2003


this great...
during my exam prd...
my body decides to rebel...

and rebel it has...
my breast decided that it wants a lump
and a lump it got

my tooth decided that it wants a cavity
and a cavity it got

i want H1..
did i got?
the rate things are going..
its like

so anyway...
the lump
is more annoying than it is anxiety causing
the dr. say its probably benign
but she sent me to the breast clinic anyway
and she says they'll probably recommend that it be surgically removed
cos my cousin got breast cancer
so they want to be like

so that's 2 hours at the GP clinic
and another half a day to go in the hospital
and plus the surgery..
3 days out

i'm supposed to be studying like a mad rat here
and instead
i'm running around like a mad lab rat

fuck and double fuck

(you can tell i'm blardee pissed about all this wasting of my time rite?)

and as if as that's not enough
the stupid tooth there says
hey! i wanna join in the action toooooo
breast is getting all the attention!
how about me?
I know.. i'll get a cavity
a nice big hole in the side of the tooth so she can't ignore me!

so over here...
the dentist is like
you have to come in to make an apointment
no... you can't make an appointment over the phone
cos i need to see your health card
ok.. so that's 1/2 hr to dentist to make appointment
then AT the appointment time itself
which will probably be another day...
the dentist will assess that clever lil attention seeking tooth
AND then make ANOTHER appointment to fill it up
and basically shut it up
so that what 1/2 hr + 1 hr + 1 hr?

i'm freaking annoyed


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