Friday, June 11, 2004

1 down, more to go

so that's the first paper down
lets say...
first time lecturers from Wharton?
ought to at least...
in the very very minimal least...
go to some half hour class on teaching..
related examing and such
nuff said

but otherwise,
much of a disaster it may be,
but it was a common disaster for all
so i guess
there's nothing to whinge about there

on other news...
as an update to my entry on those whiners top scorers doctor wannabes...
here's a follow up article
basically they whinged loud enough and were given what they wanted..
and following typical whinger style...
whinged MORE that they couldn't get into the Uni they wanted...
hello... how did u get top score? bodoh ke?
issn't it ironic that given the stats,
these ppl whine so much they get in..
yet at least a third of them will never complete the course?
talk about waste of breath..
you guys better all seriously appreciate ur opportunity man..
pak lah may not be bothered next time round

here's a little something on how women get rich
and it ain't thru the dickhead called the husband

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