Wednesday, August 27, 2003

normal ppl

normal ppl...
when u tell normal ppl...
add water to ur cooking when using the non-stick pot that does NOT belong to them...
so that the pot won't burn
and therefore be rendered
fucking useless..

normal ppl would:
a) listen and do exactly that so as to avoid spoiling other's property
b) pretend to listen and not do that
c) not listen at all

those who chose (a) should treat themselves to a vacation around the world..
as that is what normal ppl would do.

ASSholes on the other hand
you know... the throughbred Assholes...
i'm not talking no mongrel half bred half assholes here..
nooo nooo...
i'm talking pure 100% and proud of it

seems to listen
and don't do it.
and fucking burn his housemate's pot
(which was lent to the house by the housemate's mother out of kindness)
(and that mother who does want the pot back as is part of a 7 pc collection)
not once...
noooo nooo

this is a PUREbred ass here..
he has to do it TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!

so let's say it together again

my wishlist now looks more like:
slap asshole
kick asshole's small balls... hard aim.. but i'm sure i can do it
pull out his tits
punch his face
burn his hair
put a needle up that small weed like thing in between his legs
drip wax over the hole with needle in it
(although that may be hard to do as needle may be longer than the prick)
and bend it in half

and of course...
world peace

chorus Normal ppl please...

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