Monday, October 13, 2003


housemate went to party
dah having a party at his place in his rural thing

had a nice dinner by myself

wasn't too bad as had fave tv shows to watch

now tv shows over..

*looks at home work*



i should really call my dearest albert over for dinner
but have evening classes all this week
and not to mention have absolutely no mood for anything


have zilch feelings for anything
abosolutely zero

dunno what to do

the bed at night is very cold, big and empty
having sleeping probs again :P
damn tired in the day
can't sleep at night

usually dah tucks me in
and if i can't sleep
at least i have to lie still
be quiet
and not wake him up
and i have no choice but to slowly bore myself to sleep

but now,
i can toss and turn all i like
until the sun begins to shine

and its time to get up

which is not a good idea

and how do i feel about all this?

absolute zero

have borrowed some audio tapes from library
am desperate for sleep

the library had a large selection of:
fiction (erotica, mystery, murder, action, thriller etc etc)
not good for sleeping
non-fiction (documentaries etc etc etc)
too much brain work

so past the yada yada yada
i got winnie the pooh (supposedly calming)
and alice in wonderland (the proper book one) (being read out in the tape of course)
(hopefully to put me to sleep)

and how do i feel about all that?
you got it


i just hope for some sleep tonight



for those of you interested enough...
courtesy of the cement pimp guy
have a browse

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