Wednesday, March 03, 2004

prideful shtuff and poo poo bags

so that's 2 prideful ppl i know
one is a girl
one is a boy

the girl?
her pride (which she honestly admits to me) is like...
wow wow... don't mess with it man...
fucking big shit that can sink this world to the bottom of the universe
but at least she's honest (at least to me)
and admits that she is 'prideful' in her words
and where has this pride led her?
well.. down many drains and into many shit holes
the current one from which she hasn't climbed out of yet
(although she ought to know..
if she ever has kids
help for them is never far away and has never been retracted)

the boy?
his pride (which he would never ever, on account of his pride , ever admit to) is like...
well... i guess the word is WTF?!
cos its kind of a stupid pride
which is like so big but stupendously stupid.. words cannot describe it..
that he won't even admit to small mistakes
such as being lazy and not washing the rice pot leaving it instead to others to do
such as turning on the heater by accident on a 40 degree summer's night
so that kind of pride...
i think is like
WTF? small things like that oso so fucking prideful meh?
then what if you get into big shit?
kanasai la... litterally!
so no lollies for guessing who that piece of shit is...
he won't even take it when ppl tease him
but he enjoys teasing others when he can actually do it
so its like... WTF?

i must say though..
at least nice housemate is not afraid to tell him straight off for lying
i like the way he scolds...
starts with a ... FUCK YOU LA... you turned on the heater la..
and goes out for drinks with frens
i call..

which i admire for being able to tell off this dungling fool
and get away with it unlike me...
for which the dungling fool will look for ways to take revenge and counter

i'm digressing
so the point was..
that pride..
its a worthless piece of shit
and ought to be differentiated from self respect..
which to me...
seems to have nought to do with pride
one can be humble and have self respect you know..
it ain't no excuse child!

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