Thursday, April 22, 2004

After having flunked

there is definitely something wrong with my brain
last night.. whole nite...
stayed up to study for this morning's test
and when the test came
some of the questions that were worth BIG marks..
i had just done the night before
and for the life of me..
i could not remember how the FUCKINHOPPINGFROGSPONDS i actually did it
and that pisses me off...
how can i forget something i just did in the last 12 hours?

and for the life of me...
you smarty pants out there say.. work it out..
i could not INTHEFUCKINHOPPINGPIGSSTYS work it out again
and that pisses me off
*mutter mutter*

spent whole night doing the shit and then forget

tell me...
what is wrong with my brain?

here's some other people doing stupid things
Builders who don't do their work properly
*shoutout to them*
OI! those Orang Boleh MATI wan tau if the house jatuh!
and oso...
you stupid fuckers..
ppl paying you up to a MILLION BUCKS
and you can't get it #%&&*#$& right?!
what the fuck is wrong with you?!


to the brit couple
i'm so happy you want to come to our lovely land to stay
please don't be discouraged by this kind of stupidity
after all.. making a dream come true almost always involves alot of hard work and dedication
its just one setback..
big yeah..
but hey... still just one ya?

and to my brain
*shoutout to my brain*
what the @#^&^%$#$%Y$^%$#$%^$@#%^$#$%^&B is wrong with you?!

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