Friday, August 29, 2003

have been touched by the plight of orang utans..
just read an article in the reader's digest about
Smits' brave start with a baby orang utan he named Uce
it's basically one of those extremely touching stories about how a man saved the life of another living creature

and then voila what do i come across on the blogger's world?
how about that for a nice way to help the world

but then.. Smits' story is more inspiring..
maybe its the way reader's digest writes...
you know how all their stories tug at ur hug strings..

but when u sit down to think about it...
u know.. its not easy to do these things really...
somehow before you do it..
there's an element of fear...
like what would the neighbours say sort of thing
and it takes a lot of gut to see the whole thing through...

i mean...
you wouldn't really be inspired by a story that goes...
X saved a baby bear from death near starvation etc etc
and then two months down the road X realised that actually s/he doesn't have the resources or knowledge to keep the bear properly..
and happily dumps all the responsibility on some RSPCA or similiar animal shelter.
i guess there is still some bravery involved in the story..
but i dunno.. it doesn't pull at my heart strings...

i suppose...
it takes a lot more bravery and gumption to see the whole thing through...
and indeed to bring it to a level such as Smits did.

kudos to all these ppl out there...
discovered and undiscovered..
give urself a nice pat on the back

now we all just wish..
if only we could have ppl like that looking after our world peace...
i mean... neither bush nor saddam are particularly inspiring in the image of world peace are they?

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